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4Cs Blog: Happy Employees = Happy Customers

Posted by Insightlink on 09/28/12

453,000 more jobs added in third year of recovery

This is much better news on the jobs front that we've been hearing for a while. In it's revised firgues, the BoL says that the U.S. ecomony added 386,000 more jobs that it's previous estimate. This means, of course, that the jobs picture over the year was not quite as bleak as we thought. It's also an important reminder that the monthly jobs number is actually just a rough estimate that maybe doesn't deserve all the fevered attantion that it gets.

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Posted by Insightlink on 09/12/12

Is It a Mistake to Pick an Employee of the Month?

Here's an interesting article in today's small business section of the New York Times. Many companies both large and small use something like an 'Employee of the Month' award as a way to both reward good employees and motivate others. But do these programs really work as well as we think? Many management consultants are not so sure. In my personal experince I've seen them lead to resentment and anger among those never chosen as "teacher's pet" and the feeling that these "attaboy" awards are often handed to the office "suck-ups" rather than the folks who work hard and go the extra mile without constantly tooting their own horns. Part of that, of course, is simply due to bad management, but even when it's not out-and-out favoritism driving these programs, rewards like these which highlight some employees while ignoring the contributions of others may not be the best prescription for overall employee engagament. Time to re-think perhaps?

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Posted by Insightlink on 09/06/12

How to Convince Your Boss You Should Work at Home

If you've read our last two articles on the advatages of working from home, you may be wondering how you can make telecommuting part of your own job. Here are a few tips from tech entrepreneur and writer Seth Porges on how you might be able to convince your boss that letting you work from home is in his or her best interest.

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Posted by Insightlink on 09/06/12

Home-Based Workers Are More Productive

Following up on yesterday's post about the higher enagement levels of home-office based workers, here's an article from Wired Magazine that cites a study published recently by Stanford which among other findings shows a 12% increase in productivity among home-based workers as well as a 50% decrease in attrition levels.



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Posted by Insightlink on 09/05/12

Why Remote Workers Are More Engaged

Surprising results on whether remote workers are actually more engaged than their office-bound counterparts. Scott Edinger of Edinger Consulting Group gives us his take on the subject.


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Posted by Insightlink on 09/03/12

When the Work-Life Scales Are Unequal

An excellent article in the New York Times this weekend highlights the challenges of work-life balance in an era when more and more companies are embracing flextime as an option for employees.


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Find out with a benchmarked and validated 4Cs Employee Survey from Insightlink. Since 2001, one of the most trusted research companies in North America.

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  • Dissatisfied Compromisers
  • Satisfied Opportunists
Only the Insightlink 4Cs Employee Survey can give you the full picture and let you hear how your employees feel about their experience at your organization.


Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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