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Women in Business: The Top 7 Ways to Succeed at Your New Job

Posted by Insightlink on 04/25/22

 When you’re just starting a new job, the stress is tremendous. It might feel like the first day at a new school with everyone knowing what’s going on and you’re in the middle of it without a clue. During the first three months of your new job, all eyes will be on you and your performance (especially if you’re a woman in a male-dominant industry), so it’s crucial to leave a good first impression and continue showing your best side all through the adjustment period. Here are a few tips from other women in business on how to succeed at your new job.

Do plenty of research
Use your free time before your first day at work to do some research on the company. Check their social media, study the office culture and investigate your closest future colleagues. If you didn’t get a checklist to go over before your first day, don’t hesitate to ask HR. Many companies have an employee handbook, so ask to look at it so you can collect questions and know how to make all the right moves in your career. You can also test out the software you’ll be using on the job and study the competition of your new company, so you can get a running start when you actually arrive to work and impress everyone with your preparedness.
Leave an impression on the manager
Your manager obviously succeeded in recognizing your potential. Since they hired you, they surely want you to be good at your job. Dig into that confidence and send them an email just to touch base. You can use this time to ask about the general dress code, some specific things about the company that you should know, whether you have to prepare something for your first day, etc. Any good manager will appreciate your desire to be organized, prepared and proactive. Reaching out in a respectful way will leave a great impression and allow the management to remember your name—you’ll get an instant edge at your new job.
Get yourself noticed
If you’re aiming to make a name out of yourself in your new job, it’s crucial to get noticed right away. While business success only comes through hard work and exceptional skills, first impressions are formed based on clothes and the way you carry yourself. Most women professionals say that when they opt for womens work jacketsmatched with dress pants or pencil skirts, they feel powerful, confident and ready to show off their skills. Match your powerful outfit with a confident approach and everyone from your colleagues to your bosses will know that they have a new worker around.
Find a friend
Having someone to rely on for information during your first few months on the job is crucial for success (and job satisfaction). In many companies, all new hires are matched with a buddy who will be there throughout their onboarding. If that’s not the case with your new company, you can find one yourself. Study your new colleagues’ profiles on social media or LinkedIn, identify potential work friends and strike up a conversation on your first day. You can invite them to eat lunch with you during your break or treat them to coffee after work. Your new friend can be an endless source of useful information that will get you to adapt quickly and stand out in all the right ways.
Ask questions
New hires always want to show off just how knowledgeable and capable they are, but don’t let your confidence prevent you from asking questions. No matter if you work from an office or home, ask a few good questions to clarify tasks and ensure accuracy and efficiency. Don’t worry; no good manager will get annoyed by your questions. In most cases, they will appreciate your efforts to perform a task quickly and accurately. The same goes if you want to make work friends—start a conversation, listen to them talk and ask polite yet unique questions.
Challenge yourself
Once you get over that first week and month, it’s time to start chasing real work success. One thing many women in business struggle with is ambition. Don’t hesitate to set big goals and get into challenging situations that will get you closer to those goals. It’s healthy and beneficial to challenge yourself, striving to always improve your performance. So during your first three months in your new company, volunteer to take over a project, try to finish tasks before the deadline or bring a new addition to the company—whatever will challenge your abilities and allow you to stand out.
Set boundaries
In the beginning, you might have been forced to work late or show up on your free days. It’s natural for women to be a little more obliging until we get accepted into a new setting. However, it’s always smart to set boundaries that will allow you to fulfill your primary roles and show off your best work. Being a team player is a valuable skill, but not when it affects your own goals.
Women still have to work harder than men to succeed in business, but if you leave a good first impression at your new job, your path to future success might be a little bit easier.
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