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Why Coaching is Important

Posted by Insightlink on 10/01/14

Eight Reasons Why Coaching is Important in the Workplace

It may be one of the least practiced skills in the workplace due to increasing job demands and fast-paced corporate environments; however, one of the most important responsibilities of today’s managers is coaching for success. No other time investment delivers the productivity savings for the manager who wishes to create a cohesive team optimized and motivated to achieve accelerated results. To put it simply, if you are not coaching, you are not managing.

Coaching is “the process of helping people develop their capacity to think about things (such as problems, people, relationships, customers, products, services, the future) in new and creative ways so that they can accomplish what they really want to accomplish”. (Dynamic Foundations LLC) Another perspective on coaching is “an interactive process that helps another person improve, learn something, or take performance to the next level”. (American Management Association) Coaching is always dialogue-driven and involves sharing ideas and perspectives in an atmosphere of mutual trust, honesty and respect. Often the coach does more listening than talking. Sometimes the coach assigns a special task that will challenge an individual to master new skills, learn how to accept increased responsibility and assume a greater leadership role. Sometimes the coach provides constructive feedback to enable an individual to become more creative in their approach to daily work, unlock hidden potential or reinforce individual skills to foster continuous improvement or build a stronger team.
According to the American Management Association, by participating in a coaching culture, leaders can help organizations succeed in meeting the following challenges:
Keeping Customers Happy
Customer loyalty requires employees be aware of what it means to make a product or service stand out and how to exceed customer expectations. Individual and team coaching helps identify who your customers are and creates a customer-sensitive focus for employees to strive for.
Delivering High Quality Products and Services
Coaching keeps employees focused on quality and excellence in the workplace as it pertains to productivity, efficiency and cost effectiveness by establishing the link between individual performance quality and high quality goods and services.
Managing Continuous Change
Employees are under intense pressure to react rapidly to changes demanded by customers, government and competitive forces. Coaching plays a vital role in equipping individuals to adapt, learn quickly and master behaviors necessary to cope with change as a normal part of handling work demands.
Retaining Top Talent
Keeping its most talented employees is a critical issue for organizations. Coaching can minimize turnover and maximize employee retention by helping employees experience a greater sense of job satisfaction and fulfillment. Coaching can facilitate bonding within an organization, a sense of partnership with one’s boss and provide a positive communications forum to resolve issues that, left unattended, might contribute to an employee leaving.
Working in Collaborative Networked Organizations
It is imperative for individuals and departments to collaborate to achieve common goals, particularly in cross-functional situations. Coaching can be used to clearly identify challenges and remove roadblocks quickly and to promote effective networking and communication with all stakeholders.
Building Personal Capability to Match Performance Demands
The need to overcome job complacency and boost competitiveness in an organization increases the necessity for the gap between performance expectations and employee capabilities to be kept to a minimum. Employees must be encouraged and supported to master new skills, accept more responsibilities and face new challenges.
Empowering Breakthrough Results
In today’s business climate of cost cutting, re-engineering and re-organizing, it is increasingly important to engage the hearts, minds and talents of everyone in accomplishing things that may seem impossible. Coaching enables people to be innovative and achieve results that may have once been considered impossible.
Reinforcing Business Practices
The importance of coaching employees on ethical and best business practices cannot be understated and the importance of emulating individual behaviors that reflect expected corporate values is fundamental to the success of any organization. Coaching provides a safe haven for employees to resolve troubling or difficult issues in the workplace and allows the coach to effectively realign the behaviors of team members who exhibit negative behaviors in team dynamics.
The use of coaching to build teams and motivate individuals is a powerful tool not to be overlooked in creating vibrant and leading edge organizations. Once coaching plans have been put in motion, the time invested will deliver results that enhance productivity, efficiency and worker satisfaction.


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