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Increasing Employee Engagement Inside and Outside the Workplace

Posted by Insightlink on 12/15/15

With Helping Hands

Many businesses have begun to realize they have the ability to transform the lives of billions by simply looking in their own back yard.

Employees who are given the opportunity to perform acts of service in their communities not only feel better about themselves, they develop closer relationships to each other and associate all those good feelings with the place they work, so increased feeling of morale, loyalty and ultimately engagement, not to mention the how they can positively impact their communities as well. Volunteerism is becoming the norm for companies and the core around which many employee engagement initiatives are being created.

Look Ahead

 With a new year approaching, this could be the perfect time to explore ways to introduce a volunteer program at your office. The link between employee volunteer programs and business performance have long been explored and research has confirmed that there are many benefits volunteer programs offer employees, their company and the community. There is scientific proof as shown in a 2010 study that employees who volunteer together are more likely to develop a stronger emotional attachment to their company, to each other, identify more strongly with corporate culture and values while enhancing awareness of business goals and strategies. 

The Surprising Benefits of Volunteerism

Meanwhile a 2013 study found that employees who volunteer are more engaged with their work and feel more connected to their jobs. The study also showed that volunteering increased the level of meaning an individual assigned to their work resulting in increased overall job performance at work. The 2014 State of Corporate Citizenship study found that employee volunteering hovers around 30% for companies which leaves much room for growth and more initiatives. A largely unknown result of this survey revealed that while employees do desire to do well in their community, that is actually not what drives them to participate.

Reasons employees want to volunteer include the following:

  1. Opportunity to develop skills
  2. Networking opportunities
  3. Use and practice leadership skills
  4. Support their employers
  5. Expand their social networks
  6. Social interaction

One study found that the volunteer experience is positively impacted further by the type of support volunteers receive as part of their experience such as adequate supply of resources, a safe environment and clear understanding of the projects goals and objectives. When this support is given employees are more engaged and simultaneously develop more skills. This represents a great opportunity for an organization to show they care to their employees.

These insights provide an opportunity and framework for organizations to use volunteering as a means to enhance employee development, increase employee engagement and make a difference in their communities. And let’s remind ourselves why employee engagement matters.

Why should you explore volunteerism?

A 2004 Lloyd Morgan survey of 50,000 employees showed that by increasing employees’ engagement levels, organizations can expect an 87% reduction in employees’ probability of departure. Volunteerism represents a valuable strategy for achieving higher levels of engagement while also increasing retention and reducing turnover.

How can you help? Maybe it is time to ask employees to answer that in their own words as part of an employee survey. Give everyone a chance to express themselves. A year from now, if you act on their feedback and get involved in your community, the results could be more than you’d ever hoped for.

A civilization flourishes when people plant trees under which they will never sit.
Greek Proverb


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