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8 Tips For Using Training Videos For Employee SuccessPosted by Insightlink on 05/27/22 Training videos are an excellent way to help employees learn new skills, meet their goals, and increase productivity. Some companies are now using videos to train employees on new software or processes, but most importantly, they can be used as an effective coaching tool. However, just like any other training tool, they need to be planned out effectively with steps and objectives that the user can achieve. This blog will discuss some of the best practices for using training videos for employee success in your company. Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash The Benefits of Video Training:All training is not created equal, and there are some unique benefits of using videos for employee training. They can be really helpful for your business, whether you're a large corporation or a small company with a limited budget. Some of the things that companies can do with video include:
8 Tips For Using Training Videos For Employee Success:1. Determine the Objective:
What do you want the user to achieve by watching this video? What goal are you trying to achieve by providing them with this information? State your objective clearly and include a plan for how the employee will know that they've gained enough proficiency with the content that they can apply it in their job.
When planning your goals for a video, keep in mind that employees should be able to apply what they have learned by the end of each module. Keep your videos short and simple, and ensure continuity.
2. Reduce your overhead costs:
You'll be paying for the video producer, studio time, and audio and video editing. If possible, consider shooting your video footage at a minimum cost.
It's also recommended that you use a video creator free of cost on computers with Windows 7 or higher and Mac OS X 10.6+ or Linux later than 2006. This allows you to create videos without paying any additional charge.
3. Use a Good Script:
When creating a video, use a written script. This will help you create an outline of the entire video, and you can check it before the recording begins to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors. It's also common to plan the script in advance by breaking it down into smaller segments with transitions between each unit. The script should be easy to understand. Make sure that your message is clear and concise. If you are shooting your videos, make sure to use an external microphone and correct the lighting. It's important to sound professional. While creating a training video, some people think that if they use humor in their presentation, it will be easier for others to listen to them and retain the information presented. 4. Test your employees regularly: After your employees have watched a training video and have been trained on a new process or learned new skills, it's vital to assess their knowledge by asking them questions related to the material they have just watched. For example, ask them to explain a particular part of the video to you or talk about parts of the video that are more important than others. Employees who have been through training should be able to apply what they've learned in those interactive assessments. 5. Be versatile with the content: You must use the training videos to suit the needs of your company. Some companies are using video to increase employee knowledge of their products and services, while other companies are using it to train new employees on a variety of different products and processes. In either case, it's important that you base your training on your company's needs rather than creating canned lessons that have been used by other companies or in other industries. 6. Create interactive videos: Use videos to teach your employees new skills, and create greater retention of the information by combining visual elements such as pictures or pictures with audio. You can also present the information related to a particular topic using different perspectives, such as using real-life examples of how to do something or charts and graphs to help explain a concept.
7. Always Improve: The best way to take advantage of having your employees watch training videos is to use them as a way for you to tell them about what's new with your company. If you are constantly changing or updating your products or services, make sure that the video training can keep up with these changes. If possible, have regular meetings where employees can pick their topics and talk about them in a video format. 8. Have Fun: While making a video training series, it's easy to become too serious and forget that you're creating something fun for others to watch. Training videos are a great way for you to communicate with others in your business and make it enjoyable for your employees when they're watching the videos. If you have fun while making your video training series, it will be easier for others to see what you're doing and join in on the action. Training videos can improve a company's efficiency by increasing employee knowledge, thus improving their performance. There are many ways in which training videos can be used in any industry, which is why training videos are so popular for use at any given time. Training videos are easy to create, and many tools are provided on the internet to help you make sure your video is perfect the first time around.
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