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Three High Tech Tools to Keep Your Employees Safe and Productive

Posted by Insightlink on 03/23/17

There are so many balls to juggle when running a business, but keeping your employees in line and working productively tops the priority list for many.

But as your company grows, it can be difficult to maintain the level of oversight that you wish to have to keep your company operating at top speed. The following three high-tech tools can help you get employees to curb bad habits and make for a more productive, safer workplace:  

Security Camera System  

Not only is a security camera system crucial for helping to protect your office from intruders, but it can also help you keep an eye on your employees to make sure that everyone is safe. Opt for a system that records to a DVR, like Lorex security camera systems, so that you have plenty of space for recording footage. When reviewing the many options, look for a camera system that has a remote viewing capability from a corresponding smartphone app so that you can check in on things at the office anytime from anywhere. 

Place cameras in common areas throughout the office or site and make sure employees are aware of them. The goal isn't to spy or make employees feel like big brother is watching. The goal is to create a safe environment for workers -- by deterring intruders and stopping unsafe habits.  

Internet Monitoring Software 

More than 82 percent of people admitted to always keeping their smartphones within eye shot in a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder. That means that with every text message, phone call, Instagram alert or Facebook message that flashes across the screen, your employee is more likely to stop what they are doing to see what's going on and it will take them even more time to refocus on their tasks again. 

One way you can help minimize the amount of time employees waste during work hours is by getting internet usage software for your company network. Internet monitoring software like Veriato 360 helps offer employers visibility of what their team is doing on the internet. 

Be as transparent as possible about your internet monitoring and put a clear policy in place about internet usage. Having a staunch policy in place that disapproves of conducting personal business on the internet while at work, paired with the understanding that management can see everything that employees are doing online, is often enough to deter people from doing things like messaging on Facebook and checking personal emails during work hours. 

Safe Driving App  

If any of your employees drive company vehicles to conduct company business or if they drive their own vehicles during business hours for sales purposes, it is in your best interest to help them minimize driving distractions like text messages, emails and phone calls. In 2014, over 431,000 people were injured and over 3,100 people died in automobile accidents as a result of distracted drivers, according to  

Have any mobile employees install a safe driving app like AT&T DriveMode on their smartphones. DriveMode silences text alerts when users drive over 15 miles per hour, automatically responding with a message that the user is currently driving and will return the call shortly. While DriveMode silences major distractions like texts and social media, it still allows users to use navigation apps like Waze and music apps like Spotify.


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