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The Secrets of Great Teamwork

Posted by Insightlink on 06/16/21

Experts argue that a successful approach to team building requires taking an honest look at the current practice within organizations, as well as taking into consideration what organisations have done in the past and what they are doing today. Therefore, team building can be much more than just about creating more workable relationships. It is essential to understand the dynamics of motivation within a team and how this relates to overall team performance. These concepts provide a valuable framework for understanding the motivational processes involved in team building.

teamwork secrets

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

A few steps are required for developing great teamwork 

  1. Consider why people join teams in the first place. People become team members for varied reasons, and it is vital for the team leader to understand these reasons and to put them into context. Sometimes people join teams because they feel like part of a family or because they have something in common with other team members. Sometimes people join teams because they want to contribute to their organisation's goals. Understanding these various motivations is key in assisting managers in building teams that are both productive and meaningful.
  2. Understand the difference between workers that are self-starters and workers who are hired to work in teams. Self-starters are people who are usually brought into a team to perform functions that do not require any particular skill but are crucial to the successful functioning of the team culture. On the other hand, employees hired to work in teams are usually talented workers who have specialized skills or abilities required to do the work that a team needs to be done. The key is to balance these two groups; having both self-starter and team member in a team will lead to a productive outcome.
  3. Find ways to encourage team members to exhibit good team spirit. This can be done through encouraging team member interaction, a weekly team meeting or social event, letting team members know that they are respected and appreciated, providing opportunities for them to socialize and learn from one another. Acknowledge team members for the work they do and let them know they are essential.
  4. Put into place systems and structures that can be used to facilitate better communication and interaction within a team. For example, one team might decide to schedule an open day where all team members can meet and discuss issues that have come up throughout the week. These meetings should include a mix of informative and lively conversation. Open days also provide a unique opportunity to get out of the office and meet and greet potential clients. Team building events are not just helpful in creating better working relationships within a team, but they are also an excellent way to improve exposure within the business community.
  5. Regularly update each team member about what is going on in the business and share information with them on the objectives, strategies and work being carried out. In addition, members of the team need to understand the dynamics of the position they are working at. There may be changes in the strategic goals, workflows and roles. The importance of regular team building conferences and events becomes evident when these issues are addressed.
  6. Ensure that everyone has enough opportunity to work. The company needs to have enough staff to hire and train and need a sufficient number of staff to perform the essential functions. At the same time, everyone within the team needs to be motivated to contribute their best work. They must be able to feel that their work contributes something to the company, that they are valued, and their skills and talents are needed. The whole company will benefit from the increase in productivity brought about by members who are fully invested in the success of the project.
  7. Team performance and morale must be continually monitored. Tension between team members can be draining and frustrating; it can lead to bad morale and an inability to concentrate. The pressure is aggravated by the fact that some team members will be less than enthusiastic about their role. Therefore, it is very important to address any concerns before they grow into serious problems that may affect the working atmosphere and productivity.

These are some of the simple steps that can be taken to develop a team of highly motivated individuals. It is important to remember that every person in a team plays a significant role its success.


Team building is not a one-off activity; it is an ongoing process in which team leaders have to maintain a team-friendly environment where every member can flourish. It is impossible to motivate an individual if they don't feel comfortable within the team. 

Hence, these are the building block of great teamwork. High performing organizations around the world have applied these practices, and always get the results. So consider this advice and improve the effectiveness of your team. 

About The Author 

Mayank is a content writer and a marketer who has worked with different organizations and consulted entrepreneurs for fulfilling marketing goals. His list of clients includes SaaS companies, content creators and business owners. He loves to write on various topics and create content on social media. In his free time, you can find him with books and writing poetry.  

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