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4 Business Improvement Tips to Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Posted by Insightlink on 04/30/18

Stressed-out employees aren't productive workers. For that reason alone, on top of the interpersonal benefits, companies should always be working to reduce stress in the workplace. 

It isn't an easy task. With deadlines to meet and clients to land, everyone will occasionally be on edge. But by implementing certain policies and procedures, any workplace can improve in this area.

The key is for HR and management to sit down and discuss this issue on an ongoing basis. By continually assessing and monitoring progress, business improvement strategies can be instituted to keep things running more smoothly. The following four tips will help any organization start to destress. 

1. Set Clear Expectations 

Few things are as frustrating as moving goalposts. When managers change expectations or — even more infuriatingly — deadlines, it not only makes that specific project more difficult to complete, but also leaves employees swimming in uncertainty about the future. 

Many psychological studies indicate this type of management is highly unnerving for employees. In fact, employees often perform better facing more arduous work compared to relatively simple tasks that seem to always go in a different direction. With that in mind, always set clear workplace expectations, and make this a company-wide mandate. 

2. Create a Path for Growth 

Most employees want to advance in their careers and confront new challenges. But when an employee doesn't see any way to climb the corporate ladder — or finds that "moving up" means a mere lateral move — this can make them feel like their only options are to either tread water in their current role or start updating and sending out their resume. 

That feeling of purposelessness often leads to stress and, likely, lower-quality work. While there may not be a precise route from an entry-level position to the CEO chair, there should at least be some type of goal or extra responsibilities on the horizon employees can strive toward. 

3. Integrate Workforce Optimization 

Integrating call center customer experience strategies to improve operational efficiency can make things run smoother throughout an organization. Through workforce optimization, menial tasks can often be automated. This raises the baseline level of work assigned and keeps employees more engaged and mentally stimulated. 

Employees are also typically encouraged to see such changes in the enterprise. When you walk into an office each day and everything is always the same, there is an aura of complacency that can infiltrate everything. But when workforce optimization tools lead to tangible improvements, everyone can clearly see management is pushing for company-wide improvements. 

4. Offer Flexible Work 

With so many telecommuting options available for today's workers, it only makes sense to offer more flexibility. While a company may need to maintain policies to ensure employees remain productive while working remotely, this is a privilege and opportunity many will relish. 

For some companies, allowing one or two telecommuting days per week makes sense. In other cases, this policy can be reserved for employees facing special circumstances at home and permitted on an ad-hoc basis. But even allowing it once in a while can help prevent common home-life stresses from spilling over into work. 

Reducing Stress Levels 

If work was easy, it wouldn't be called "work." Because of this, work will never be fully stress-free. But by setting clear workplace expectations, establishing career goals, instituting workforce optimization strategies and allowing for greater flexibility, companies can begin to fight back the monster before it takes over. 

There is a lot on the line at any company. Just remember the behavior that raises stress levels almost always lowers productivity. Thus, the more an organization can reduce stress, the more success there is to be had.


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