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How to Overcome Job Stress and Keep Employees Engaged

Posted by Insightlink on 06/05/17

Numerous studies show that our jobs are the major source of stress in our lives and the trend is progressively getting worse.

Job stress is reported by the American Institute of Stress to be causing increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders.
The Institute reports that the main causes of job stress are:

  1. Workload 46%
  2. People Issues 28%
  3. Juggling work and personal lives 20%
  4. Lack of job security 6%

The Institutes findings on job stress reveal that, ‘The severity of job stress depends on the magnitude of the demands that are being made and the individual’s sense of control or decision-making latitude he or she has in dealing with them. Scientific studies based on this model confirm that workers who perceive they are subjected to high demands but have little control are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

Here at Insightlink, our employee research shows that at least one-quarter of employees in the U.S. are experiencing a high level of dysfunction due to stress and overwork.

Our ressearch reveals how employees are feeling as we discover that::

  1. One-in-four employees reports that they continually have more work than they can finish;
  2. One-in-three strongly agrees that their work is stressful; and
  3. Only one-in-four strongly agrees that they are able to find a satisfactory balance between personal/family obligations and career responsibilities.
  4. In addition, less than one-half of U.S. employees agree that "Senior management encourages employees to have fun at work”.

In an article written by Argus Leader titled, “Get Fit: Co-Workers Become Co-Walkers’, an example of how to avoid job stress one group of employees that have found the perfect answer. For 10 years now, a group of employees who work at Sioux Empire United Way in Sioux Fallls South Dakota, have participated in a walking program and "We've seen tremendous results in employee health and stress reduction," says Jay Powell, president of the Sioux Empire United Way on North West Avenue.

The Benefits of Walking at Work:

  1. Walking gets employees out of their chairs, which is a healthy alternative to sitting all day.
  2. Walking allows co-workers to bond about non-work related topics and their personal lives.
  3. It is easy to schedule and employees get hooked on the schedule to walk twice each day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
  4. Peer pressure works to everyone’s advantage in this case, as no one wants to be left behind.

Instead of sitting in their break room eating and drinking, employees are on the move.
"It's nice to step away from your dess, stand up and move around. It helps lower stress, and the team time helps build relationships," says Julia Brown, a 27-year-old executive assistant. She's been walking with the group ever since she was hired four years ago.

The commitment has survived the years because they don’t let anything stop them. If bad weather makes outdoor walking a challenge, they have an indoor route through wide hallways. And to keep it light, they all wear brightly colored walking shoes. "It's a great way to get out of the office — it combats the mid-morning and afternoon slump, plus you build relationships with co-workers," Kacey McCarthy says.

Job stress has a direct impact on employee’s productivity. Walking can’t fix every problem but it is one way to make a positive difference and there are other, equally valuable ways of handling this serious issue. And because we believe so strongly in asking everyone for their opinion to get the whole and complete picture, we recommend conducting a confidential employee survey where employees’ anonymity is guaranteed so you create the space for employees to share openly and honestly.

You can't fix or change what you do not know exists.

It is important to know where you stand in terms of job stress and how it is impacting morale, communication, commitment and culture. An in-depth, well-designed employee survey can uncover issues that could be causing problems in your organization so that you can make plans to address them. Employee research is our expertise and we can show you how a well-designed survey tool can give you the stories you need to hear about what your employees are experiencing. Please check our website for more information, call us at 866-822-8095 ext. 705, or email us at



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