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What Drives Employees To Perform? Part 8

Posted by Insightlink on 05/19/16

Ths post marks the end  our 10-part series on engaging employees with a focus on the 10th most important driver, and one of the key secrets, to achieving higher levels of employee engagement and improving retention.

Robert Gray, President of Insightlink Communications says that, according to Insightlink’s Survey of the American Workplace, many employees agree their organizations could do a much better job fulfilling their mission, vision and/or values. According to research only 6 out of 10 employees agree that they are fulfilling their mission, vision and/or values suggesting this is an area of opportunity for most organizations.

Mission and vision statements provide purpose, promote shared values, establish behavioral standards and maintain employee focus on organizational strategy and direction. (Mission and vision often used interchangeably.)

  • Organizations should formulate a clear mission which is understood at all levels and is practiced throughout the organization.
  • When developing or refreshing your mission, involve layers within your organization, rather than relying solely on senior management. Research suggests that letting employees contribute at the development stage increases their commitment and belief in the outcome. When employees feel connected to a greater purpose, they are more motivated and morale is higher.
  •  Measure how well management demonstrates their commitment to the mission. Build this evaluation into the process and reward structure.
  • Incorporate your mission, vision and your values into recruiting and hiring practices. It’s especially critical to both hire and evaluate performance based on your values because, by knowing who you are and where you are going, you’re more likely to hire the right people and manage them well.

This concludes the 10 secrets to successful employee engagement. When present, they make for engaged employees and a productive organization and we encourage you to visit our Blog page to go back and read about the other 9 secrets in case you  missed any in this series.

A healthy work environment encourages employee satisfaction, engagement and energy toward collectively fulfilling the organization’s key objectives. A healthy work environment is not only a desirable workplace but should also provide the infrastructure to positively impact the effectiveness of the work itself. A healthy work environment should be invigorating, robust, flourishing and flexible enough adapt to change.

The best way, we believe to find out if your employees feel their job is a good fit is to conduct an employee survey and ask them. If we can help please let us know by contacting us at for more information, to get pricing click here or, call Lynn Gore at 866-802-8095 ext 706.


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Where does your company stand on each of the critical "4Cs" of employee engagement and satisfaction?
  • Commitment
  • Culture
  • Communications
  • Compensation
Find out with a benchmarked and validated 4Cs Employee Survey from Insightlink. Since 2001, one of the most trusted research companies in North America.

How many of each do you have?
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  • Change Seekers
  • Dissatisfied Compromisers
  • Satisfied Opportunists
Only the Insightlink 4Cs Employee Survey can give you the full picture and let you hear how your employees feel about their experience at your organization.


Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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