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Posted by Insightlink on 01/05/24

What is an Employee Survey? Are They Important in 2024?

Employee surveys have long been a valuable tool for organizations to gauge the satisfaction, engagement, and overall experience of their workforce. By gathering feedback directly from employees, organizations can gain valuable insights into various aspects of their workplace, such as leadership effectiveness, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and opportunities for improvement. As we jump into 2024, it is essential to assess the significance of employee surveys and their continued relevance in shaping the modern workplace. Therefore, here are a few reasons that will help you learn more about this idea, as well as several cool strategies that should help you conduct more effective employee surveys.

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Posted by Insightlink on 12/19/23

Celebrating 23 Years of Partnership: Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year in 2024!

As we approach the end of another remarkable year, we find ourselves reflecting on the joyous moments and the incredible journey we've shared with you, our valued clients. It's hard to believe that we've been on this journey together for 23 years, and as we celebrate the festive season, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and trust.

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Posted by Insightlink on 12/18/23

From Burnout to Bliss: Employee Wellness Through Transformation

The welfare of employees has become a critical concern in the fast-paced world of corporate firms. The traditional well-being initiatives, while well-meaning, have not been able to adequately address the growing mental health problems that the modern workforce is facing. Ping-pong tables, gym memberships, and free coffees are great, but they are nothing if you use them merely as a checkbox or as an alternative to investing in your employees' well-being. 

A significant issue that impacts millions of workers globally is workplace burnout. Extended work hours, high standards, and the obligation to consistently provide results might cause us to feel fatigued, detached, and uninspired. To improve performance, your workplace should implement wellness programs for employees to feel a sense of purpose and belonging besides giving special gifts to address employee burnout and enhance well-being. Prioritize corporate culture before material possessions, and listen to people when they need you. Making your employees feel "whole" will enable them to bring their best selves to work.
But how do you get started? In this article, we will provide some tips on how you can transform your employees' wellness from burnout to bliss.
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Posted by Insightlink on 12/11/23

The New Machine Era: Navigating the Future of Workflows and Processes

The landscape of work has drastically changed over the years, especially with the advent of new and advanced technologies. The rise of the machine era has brought about a new era of opportunities and possibilities that have transformed the traditional workflows and processes that we are accustomed to. It has ushered in a new wave of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning that has made work easier, optimized operations, and increased productivity. However, it has also triggered concerns about job displacement, ethical considerations, and other challenges. As a worker, it is vital to stay informed about these trends and developments to navigate this new era successfully. This guide can help you discover what you need to learn.

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Posted by Insightlink on 11/20/23

Wishing Our Valued Clients and HR Professionals a Happy and Stress-Free Thanksgiving!

As the season of gratitude approaches, we at would like to take a moment to express our deepest thanks to our incredible clients and the hardworking Human Resources professionals who make our work meaningful and impactful. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the blessings of the year and appreciate the efforts that make our workplaces thrive.
In the fast-paced world of HR, the holiday season can bring unique challenges. Balancing workloads, managing employee expectations, and ensuring a smooth transition into the holiday spirit can be a daunting task. However, with a strategic approach and a focus on well-being, this Thanksgiving can be both joyful and stress-free.
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Posted by Insightlink on 11/20/23

Empowering Your Team: Proven Strategies to Uncover and Develop Hidden Talent

In the dynamic world of business leadership, recognizing and nurturing untapped potential within your team is an invaluable skill. This article from Insightlink will provide valuable insights and resources for company leaders on identifying underused employees and unlocking their full potential. By implementing these strategies, you can cultivate a culture of growth, innovation, and empowerment within your organization. 

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Where does your company stand on each of the critical "4Cs" of employee engagement and satisfaction?
  • Commitment
  • Culture
  • Communications
  • Compensation
Find out with a benchmarked and validated 4Cs Employee Survey from Insightlink. Since 2001, one of the most trusted research companies in North America.

How many of each do you have?
  • Committed Loyalists
  • Change Seekers
  • Dissatisfied Compromisers
  • Satisfied Opportunists
Only the Insightlink 4Cs Employee Survey can give you the full picture and let you hear how your employees feel about their experience at your organization.


Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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