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How Is Visibility of Employees Essential for Their Engagement?

Posted by Insightlink on 12/14/20

To some people, visibility in public is like a natural trait. They seem like they know everyone, knowing everybody's names and small details about their personal life. Others tend to keep in the background and work diligently. They may feel uneasy or even frightened when they need to appear in the spotlight. There are many different explanations for these differences – personality type, cultural background, personal experience. What they have in common is that they all need to be acknowledged by their coworkers and managers.

Photo by Kylie Haulk on Unsplash

Acknowledging your workers

Various research and personal experience state repeatedly how being visible to your coworkers and higher-ups are essential for overall happiness and engagement with work. It helps with various aspects of the job, such as:
  • "Yes, I know who you are." - Being known and recognizable makes communication with others much more effortless. In a large organization, where most people know only their manager and close coworkers, it can make a big difference to be known beyond the usual circle. It is vital when the change of team leaders and managers is on the horizon, improving chances for promotion. Being known by name, especially with a positive track record, opens a lot of possibilities.
  • "Your value to the company is notable." - It is not just about the name – results are also important. Pointing out employees' contribution to the team and project expands visibility and makes them more likely to be promoted. Some employees tend to "hide" behind others and withhold their addition to the project. They should be encouraged to take credit for their work. It sends a message that they are confident in their skills and abilities. And with their value known to others, they may get an invitation to work with other teams.
  • "I saw your team made a big contribution." - With teams where leaders are more exposed than the rest, visibility can be hard to achieve. However, one member's visibility offers a possibility for others in the team to be seen and heard. It also creates a positive attitude from the people they have not met. The knowledge that someone is a part of the team that made a significant contribution to its profit is a big recommendation.
We talked about the value of visibility in general, but what about the engagement? Here are some tips on how you can improve your employees' engagement by increasing their visibility.

Talking about your team

Simon Sinek states that "Leaders eat last." Make sure you point out your team's contribution to the company. When they did extra work to finish the project, always state when they went above and beyond the line of their job. Mention their names and point out their skills and specialties. Recommend them for promotion when the opportunity arises. That way, you make them more visible to others and let them feel valued and appreciated. 

Be a supportive leader

Do not just talk about your team – talk to them as well. Research shows that in 21% of Australian workplaces, only senior managers know performance targets. Give feedback and encourage them to step out of the comfort zone. Send them to conferences, training, and meetings with other departments. Ask for their opinion and suggestions on current work assignments. Offer them to lead company meetings so that others may hear them. Each employee has its strengths and weaknesses, so try to be assertive in the performance review. The use of time and attendance software in Australia can help immensely with that. By encouraging them to be visible, you are supporting their growth, and they will become not just better in their job but learn the role of leader.

Make them part of the onboarding process

Starting a new job can be stressful even for people with experience under their belt. So, allow your employees to help with the onboard process. Let them be "buddies" for new employees and help them adapt to the new environment. You are giving them a chance to become more visible, as new people tend to bond with people who welcome them and help them join the company.

Chance meeting can help

When meeting or gathering various departments, employees tend to sit close to someone they know and have a positive connection. Challenge them by either randomly assigning seats to everybody or by mixing departments. It allows people to meet other coworkers that they will rarely have the chance to meet in everyday activities. They can make new connections, learn what other departments are doing, and become more visible to others.

Create opportunities for them to shine

Face-to-face meetings are always welcome, even in the face of a pandemic. Creating an opportunity for your team members to meet its CEO improves their visibility to the higher-ups. Some companies create these opportunities by organizing "lunch with the CEO." This activity enables individual employees to directly contact the management and share their ideas and thoughts about their work. It also opens the possibility for the administration to learn what is happening on the ground, the employees' mood, and problems that may arise in the future.
The key to building visibility is one word – authenticity. Encourage your employees to show their strengths and work on their weaknesses so that they become the best possible version of themselves. In no time, you will have a crew ready to tackle any challenge, no matter how hard it may seem.
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