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3 Reasons to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Posted by Insightlink on 01/28/20

With many of us now recognising that we're living through a climate emergency, businesses across the globe are beginning to take steps towards a greener future - and if you’re not already part of the phenomenon, now might be the time to get involved.
Join us as we lift the lid on 3 crucial reasons why you should consider moving your business in a more eco-friendly direction.
1. Promote a positive brand image
Regardless of your industry, the thing that contributes to your success is people - and with a survey from Futerra revealing that 88% of consumers want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly, now’s the time to start showing your commitment to your customers.
Your brand says a lot about your business, so start thinking about all of the things you put your name to and consider what impression this could be giving off. Branding is visible on everything from your website to the vehicle you use for deliveries, and customers notice the decisions you make here. Choosing eco-friendly packaging options for sending out products and removing all paper leaflets from your parcels is a small step towards showing consumers you stand with them in the fight towards securing a more sustainable planet. It’s clear that customers are becoming more and more interested in doing business with brands who share their beliefs - so make sure you’re one of them.
2. Save time and money
Image by sergei akulich from Pixabay
When it comes to energy efficiency, changes here could save you both time and money - two crucial factors for any business. Whether you’re making tweaks to ensure an improved supply chain or changing to a serviced office to remove the separate need for utility bills, you could see big savings by looking into your options. By ridding yourself of unused square footage and even considering a shared space, you could make a considerable difference to your outgoings.
Whether it’s a warehouse or office, if you own the building, there are plenty of options to consider. Think about investing in more energy efficient toilet systems and lightbulbs, encouraging one round of tea making rather than boiling the kettle several times and replacing sub-standard appliances to ensure they’re not guzzling unnecessary amounts of energy.
Becoming paperless should also be considered, as this suddenly removes the need for expensive machinery and replacement ink cartridges - not to mention keeping stocked up on the paper itself. The bonus here is that it also means less waste! Overheads are a big financial drain on most companies, but there are steps you can take to help the planet and your bottom line.
3. Strengthen the business/employee bond
With data suggesting that 40% of millennials would choose to earn less if it meant they could work at an environmentally responsible company, staff retention is another great reason for taking your duty to the planet seriously. As the world becomes ever more eco-conscious, people are looking for ways they can do their bit - and with us spending more waking hours at work than at home, this is the perfect place to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.
Don’t be deterred from making changes by worrying that you’ll have to do everything at once - even small changes can make all the difference and your commitment to moving towards being a greener company won’t go unnoticed. From using environmentally friendly cleaning products and upping your recycling game to starting to deal with more sustainable suppliers and only using recyclable items in your cafeteria, there are a number of ways to start making more conscious decisions throughout your building or multiple sites - therefore ensuring your business is a place people are proud to work.
Making the move towards being a more planet-friendly business doesn’t have to require a huge investment, in terms of time or money, but with some small and savvy changes, you might just see big rewards.
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