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4 Ways to Create Amazing Company Culture

Posted by Insightlink on 11/20/17

If you own a company or work in the HR department, then you know that employee satisfaction and engagement are key components for creating a positive work environment. Happier employees are more likely to work harder and produce higher quality work. But how do you create a company culture that promotes the perfect work-life balance? Here are four tips to create a positive work atmosphere for your employees:

Be Flexible 

One of the most important things for companies is to allow some flexibility with their employees. This means that employees should be allowed to freely do their work without being chained to their desk for 8+ hours. Employees should have some flexibility to work from home a few times per month or even just work outside or on an office couch instead of glued to their uncomfortable desk chair. In addition, employees should not have to worry about being micromanaged. Studies have shown that employees who are micromanaged lose motivation, creativity and all around job satisfaction. Staying involved with your employees without dictating every move they make is going to build trust, encourage growth and keep employees happy.

Create a Wellness Program

Having a company wellness program is a great way to promote a healthy work-life balance both mentally and physically. It’s a known fact that healthier individuals tend to work harder, are less stressed and in turn get things done more efficiently. Here are a couple of wellness program ideas that your employees will love:

  • Offer free yoga classes
  • Provide healthy office snacks
  • Join a local sports league together
  • Free massage days at the office
  • Promote breaks for walking or stretching to break up the work day
  • Create a company-wide wellness newsletter

You can also offer a company gym program where you cover costs for employee gym memberships. If an employee already has a gym membership, they would just have to provide proof of membership in order to receive a monthly incentive ($30-50) on their paycheck. Creating a health-positive work environment will prevent your employees from being sluggish, overtired and unhappy!

Provide Awesome Benefits

In addition to paying for your employees’ health and wellness, you can also offer other helpful incentives and paid perks. These types of employee perks can help make employees feel appreciated by their company and give appreciation in return. Some other non-traditional employee benefits may include:


  • Paid birthday vacation
  • Unlimited vacation days
  • Free food
  • Bring your pet (or child) to work days
  • Student loan repayment assistance
  • No dress code

Some of the top companies out there are also offering covered costs for cell phones, bill reimbursement and company laptops. Whatever you decide to offer, keep in mind that your goal is to recruit and retain top talent in for your company! Make sure your employee perks are reasonable, but still fun and set you apart from your competition.

Team Outings

Another great way to keep your employees involved and engaged is to have paid team outings. Since every employee is different, it would be smart to offer a variety of different activities that everyone can participate in like: happy hour, taco Tuesday, bowling, company Olympics, karaoke nights or BBQs. Providing fun activities for your employees to do outside of work can relieve stress and allow for team bonding.

Hard working and happy employees are at the heart of every successful company. Creating an amazing company culture and positive work environment where employees can collaborate and contribute is key for any thriving company.


About Insightlink:
Insightlink Communications is a leader in full service employee surveys and offers a range of employee survey products and services to fit their client's needs. With over 18 years of experience, Insightlink's reputation has been built on giving organizations the knowledge they need to create effective change using their acclaimed employee research, analytics, benchmarking and survey methodologies. Insightlink's expertise in data collection reporting and analytics takes the pressure off organizations that find data overwhelming and daunting creating reports that are digestible and understandable, simple and easy to understand for organizations of any size and experience level. 

For more information please contact us at 866-802-8095 ext 705 or visit our website here.



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