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Useful Tips for Building a Stronger Company CulturePosted by Insightlink on 05/06/22 Whether you are running a small business or a large enterprise, an established company culture is necessary for organizations of all types and sizes. It represents the personality of your business, outlining your goals and values, and defining the workplace for your employees. Among other aspects, company cultures allow organizations to increase productivity, boost engagement, raise morale, encourage creativity and innovation, and even lower turnover, which is why they are so important. If you want to build a better and stronger company culture as well, here are some tips that might help:
Image: Pexels
Hire the right people
The employees you hire have a direct impact on your company culture, as well as your overall success. For that reason, you have to ensure you aren’t just hiring based on need, skills, and experience, but the candidate's fit into your work environment as well. During the hiring process, make sure each candidate appreciates your company culture and core values by optimizing the interview process and changing the questions to evaluate attitude and opinions along with skills and experience. If the hiring process perfectly reflects your company culture, chances are higher you willattract and retain the right cultural fits.
Reinforce core values
You should also put certain initiatives and programs in place to ensure you are reinforcing your core values regularly. That is how you keep a company culture thriving. You can achieve this using peer awards, for example. You can have monthly and annual awards that are given to employees who represent your company culture and exemplify your core values the best. The award doesn’t need to be grand either; even something small and symbolic can work. The point is to demonstrate you appreciate your employees while ensuring your core values are respected as well.
Build strong relationships
Building a strong company culture also means fostering better workplace relationships. If your departments are completely separated, your teams don’t really know one another that well, and the interaction between them is limited, your business and your company culture won’t be able to grow. So, try to provide more opportunities for social interactions within the workplace, such as company outings, team meals, happy hours, team-building events, or even in-office lounges and game rooms. When you allow your employees to connect, communication, collaboration, and overall efficiency will likely increase as well.
Be more positive
Positivity in the work environment can also enhance your company culture. You should aim to smile more often, provide recognition when appropriate, express gratitude on a daily basis, and remain optimistic in times of crisis. Even smaller aspects such as enforcing more casual dress codes and using employee applications for connecting your teams can do wonders for creating a more positive atmosphere in the workplace. Your employees will be happier and more satisfied, and they will likely engage more when they are surrounded by positive and supportive behavior at work.
Focus on agility
A strong and flexible company that has the ability to quickly adapt to changing business landscapes and new environments is also a company that continues to grow and thrive. If you want to achieve this resilience as well, working with experienced business transformation professionals is always advised. By providing specialized diagnostic, coaching, and consulting services, such experts will be able to create a unique transformation strategy that reflects your objectives, values, and practices. As a result, you will become a more agile, productive, and profitable organization that’s fully prepared for the future of work.
Aim to listen more
One of the easiest ways to improve your relationship with employees and foster a stronger company culture is to just be a great listener. Listening to your teams and ensuring each employee’s voice is heard is key to a healthy, balanced, and supportive culture. That is why you should make it a point to ask your employees for feedback regarding all decisions, whether it’s a smaller everyday aspect or a larger company objective, and ensure you are listening to them and acting on their suggestions. Instead of waiting for annual reviews, seek feedback and suggestions from employees regularly to reach success.
Give employees meaning
Employees no longer care only about their paycheck. They also want the work that they do to have meaning and purpose, otherwise, they likely won’t be interested. This means that job satisfaction, productivity, and efficiency will drop significantly without these aspects. So, aim to give more meaning and purpose to your employees through your company culture. For instance, you can create a mission statement and highlight your core values, and ensure your employees are aware of these aspects. Show them how their roles can positively affect the clients, the company, and even the community, in an effort to increase loyalty and satisfaction.
Prioritize wellness
Healthy and happy employees make a strong company culture. Your teams must be at their physical, emotional, and mental best in order to reach success. Without that, your company simply cannot operate optimally and expect great results. For that reason, you need to offer plenty of tools, resources, and other opportunities for your employees to be at their healthiest and most productive. Reduced stress and lower negativity levels should always be a priority, whether that means setting clear expectations, providing flexible schedules and more time off, giving appropriate feedback and rewards, or even offering more career advancement opportunities.
Enhance your current culture
No matter which changes you decide to implement, keep in mind that you simply can’t build a great company culture from ground zero if you already have an established business. Employees can’t be expected to change their methods of operating in a matter of days; a complete overhaul will only bring disruption and chaos to your organization. Instead, aim to build on your current company culture and enhance it with the right improvements. Ask your teams which aspects of the current culture they like, which ones they don’t like, and what recommendations they have for creating a stronger company culture that suits everyone.
A good company culture is crucial for engaging employees and reaching organizational success. With a strong and supportive company culture, teams will be more productive, build better relationships, and dedicate themselves to increasing the bottom line.
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