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Using Succinct Learning to Build an Effective Remote Team

Posted by Insightlink on 09/02/22

The trend of businesses moving to remote or hybrid working models is on the rise, and with it comes the challenge of finding the most productive and efficient ways to develop their teams. 

Now that employees have had the freedom of working remotely – and executives have adjusted to the prospect of leading remote teams – it's becoming the "new normal." However, managing people who work remotely is no easy task.
Focusing on employee engagement and development has been essential to building a stable team for many organizations. Increased employee engagement helps employees feel connected to their work and motivated to do their best. Training and development are also crucial for ensuring that your remote workforce has the skills they need to be successful and stay engaged in their work.
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However, while these initiatives are essential, they can also be time-consuming and expensive, leaving management teams feeling overwhelmed at building a comprehensive employee development program. 
So what is the answer for organizations operating fully remote or hybrid working teams? The solution may be found in a concept known as "succinct learning."
What is Succinct Learning, and How is it Beneficial for Teams?
Succinct learning is a model for employee development that focuses on providing learners with just-in-time, bite-sized information they can immediately use in their work. This is in contrast to the more traditional approach to employee development, which often involves longer training sessions or workshops that may not be directly relevant to the learner's current needs.
Succinct learning aims to provide employees with the information they need, when needed, in a way that is easy for them to digest and put into practice. This approach has several benefits for organizations, including:
1. Increased Engagement: Succinct learning materials are designed to be directly relevant to the learner's current needs, which can help increase employee engagement and motivation.
2. Improved Efficiency: By providing employees with just-in-time information, succinct learning can help reduce the need for longer training sessions or workshops. This can save organizations time and money and make employee development more efficient.
3. Increased Retention: The bite-sized nature of succinct learning content makes it easier for learners to retain and apply the information they receive. This can help employees be more productive and reduce turnover in the organization.
4. Greater Flexibility: Succinct learning materials can be easily customized to meet any organization's or learner's specific needs. This makes employee development more manageable for employers and adaptable to the changing needs of the workforce and its employees.
How to Implement Succinct Learning in Your Organization
There are several ways that organizations can implement succinct learning into their employee development programs. Below we'll cover four successful methods to start making succinct learning part of your company culture:
Identify New Training Opportunities and Budget Them Appropriately
Regardless if the training program is in-person or online, it's essential to identify the specific learning goals you want employees to achieve. Training managers, team leaders, and the employees themselves must identify skill gaps and determine which learning possibilities should be prioritized. Once you've done this, you can begin budgeting for the resources required to develop and deliver the training.
When budgeting for succinct learning programs, consider the cost of developing the materials and the time required to deliver them to employees. It's also important to factor in the cost of any technology or platforms used to host the learning content. Many organizations find it helpful to set aside a dedicated budget for employee development so there is no confusion about where the money is coming from and how it should be spent.
Have a Realistic View of Employee Bandwidth
Taking part in any training while also needing to balance a daily workload can be a challenge for employees. Therefore, it's crucial to have a realistic view of how much training employees can realistically take on without becoming overwhelmed. 
One way to do this is by staggering the release of learning materials. Rather than releasing all the training content at once, consider releasing it in smaller batches over time. This will allow employees to integrate the training into their workflow without feeling overwhelmed.
It's also essential to give employees some flexibility in completing the training. For example, some employees prefer to finish it all at once, while others prefer to spread it out over a more extended period. Allowing employees to choose what works best for them will increase engagement and make them more likely to complete the training.
Decide on the Most Effective Learning Materials
Succinct learning materials come in many different forms. The most important thing is to decide on the type of material that will be the most effective for your employees.
Some organizations find video content the most engaging, while others prefer written articles or infographics. There is no right or wrong answer here, as every organization is different. The key is experimenting with varying types of content and seeing what works best for your employees.
If you're unsure where to start, consider surveying employees to see what type of content they prefer. This will give you a good starting point and help narrow down your options while getting employees involved.
Monitor Results and Adapt as Necessary
As with any training, it's important to monitor the results of your succinct learning program. This can be done by surveying employees after completing the training or tracking engagement levels throughout the program. 
If you find that employees are struggling to complete the training or that engagement levels are low, don't be afraid to make changes. It's better to adapt the program as necessary than to force employees to stick with a program that isn't working for them.
Regular adjustments to your employee development programs will show employees that you're committed to their success and that you're willing to invest the time and resources necessary to help them grow. 
Investing In Your Team's Development
Investing time and resources into employee development creates a learning and growth-oriented environment that increases staff engagement, contentment, and turnover. When your team feels valued and supported in their development, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and less likely to leave for another company. This investment will ultimately lead to a more engaged, productive, and loyal workforce that will only continue to grow with your company.
Author Bio: 


CECILIA GORMAN  -- Wildly addicted to all things leadership, Cecilia Gorman is a veteran of the advertising industry and the owner of Creative Talent Partners, a training consultancy that specializes in the development of rising managers and their teams. Whether it’s a team offsite, a manager workshop or through her online manager training programs & course, Cecilia’s sole pursuit is adding value to growth-focused employees.


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