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4Cs New Hire Onboarding Surveys

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Building A Positive New Hire Experience

How effective is your organization's onboarding process? How well are your employees getting established in their new roles? Do they feel welcome and comfortable with their responsibilities?
The Insightlink New Hire onboarding survey tool is designed to get feedback from your new hires at different times in their first year.

Creating a positive new hire experience is an essential ingredient in retaining top performers. Not surprisingly, an individual's hew hire experience strongly influences their overall perceptions of your organization as well as affecting how well they perform, how likely they will be to refer other employees and, importantly, whether they'll stay. A favorable new hire experience not only reduces early turnover, it also increases a sense of engagement as employees become established in their new role. For this reason, building and maintain a positive new hire experience is critically important for employers of choice and for any organization that wants to maintain a competitive edge in attracting, retaining, and engaging top performers.

An important challenge is identifying what factors causes an employee to transform from an enthusiastic newcomer to a disengaged job seeker. The difficulties that new employees face vary among organizations and even within different divisions of the same organization. The key to retaining high-potential employees is first understanding the challenges they face as they maneuver around the workplace.

One way to achieve this is through new hire surveys, which are designed to quickly detect potential problem areas within an organization. You can use the insights found in the InsightONBOARD survey results to see how your new employees are faring within your workplace and then make changes to improve employee engagement and retention.

The main issue for many newcomers is that many aspects of company's culture may be unspoken. Without coaching, mentoring or sponsorship, new employees may feel excluded or ostracized because important "insider information" is being withheld, whether deliberately or inadvertently. The most effective way to ensure all employees participate in and feel connected to the company culture is to simply include them. However, this is often easier said than done.

New hire surveys can act as a thermometer to measure where things are healthy or not in terms of welcoming new members of the organization and helping them get comfortable with their responsibilities.

Fast, accurate feedback from new hires An honest assessment of your onboarding process Ensure effective integration of new employees Real-time reporting and analysis tools

There are a number of valid reasons for conducting a new hire study and those reasons can help determine how best to set up an InsightONBOARD system in your organization. Some of these reasons include:
  • Assessing the effectiveness of your recruitment and sourcing practices, including communications with candidates,
  • Verifying if your new employees have access to the information, training, tools and equipment they need right from the start,
  • Determining how well your new hire orientation process works and where there is room for improvement,
  • Evaluating how satisfied and engaged your new employees are with such key factors as their jobs, the work environment and their managers/immediate supervisors,
  • Gauging how well the work they are doing matches their expectations when they started their new jobs, and
  • Checking that they received the appropriate orientation information/material.

InsightONBOARD Features and Functionality

The key features of InsightONBOARD New Hire Survey System are:
  • Easy set-up and administration,
  • Surveying at different points in the new hire experience,
  • Customized survey content,
  • The option of collecting information in multiple languages
  • Scheduling to issue the survey invitations when appropriate,
  • Online access for the site administrators to view participation rates, and
  • Real-time reporting.
The questions can include such key topic areas as:
  • How well the job matches your employee's expectations,
  • How satisfied there are with their new position,
  • The degree to which their co-workers welcome and support them,
  • The clarity of corporate goals and how well they fit with their jobs,
  • How well they are handling the workload expected of them,
  • The quality and quantity of training they've received to date,
  • The relationship with their supervisor, including the amount of support, recognition and encouragement given,
  • How they perceive their advancement opportunities within the organization.
The results of an InsightONBOARD survey system can help organizations:
  • Identify problems at both a corporate and an individual level,
  • Reveal difficulties in the recruiting process,
  • Flag high potential employees at an early stage in their tenure,
  • Highlight management shortcomings in onboarding new employees,
  • Give overall direction to help improve hiring procedures and retention among new hires.

Call us today for a guided demo toll-free at 1-866-802-8095 or email

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