Employee Engagement Research
With Employee Engagement being a major focus of what we do at Insightlink, we are constantly monitoring and reading what other people, organizations and companies have to say about it too. Here are some of the highlights of articles, from varying sources, that have come to our attention recently. With the central focus on employee engagement, these articles cover the subject from varying perspectives including survey results, business success, importance and urgency. We will look to add more articles on an ongoing basis, being able to share what we read and research, will hopefully help you in your employee engagement needs. If you have published something that you'd like us to link to, please contact us at information@insightlink.com
Employee Engagement Nosedives as Exhaustion Hits the U.S. Workforce. Date: March 24, 2010 Publication: PRWeb Newswire Modern Survey began tracking the engagement of the U.S. workforce using nationwide samples of U.S. workers in August 2007, before the recession started. In August 2008, when the economic crisis was well underway, clear drops in all five components of Modern Survey's Employee Engagement Index were recorded. Employee engagement then rallied from August 2008 to August 2009, eclipsing pre-recession levels. Now, after a year of increasing employee effort, sacrifices to ensure employment and increased alignment with organizational goals, the trend has broken. The most significant declines are statistically significant six percentage point drops in the number of workers who say they "take pride in their company," (from 79% in August 2009 to 73% in February 2010) and "intend to stay with their company for a long time" (from 63% in August 2009 to 57% in February 2010).
Leveraging employee engagement for competitive advantage: HR's strategic role. "The challenge today is not just retaining talented people, but fully engaging them, capturing their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives." Employee engagement is defined as "the extent to which employees commit to something or someone in their organization, how hard they work and how long they stay as a result of that commitment." Research shows that the connection between an employee's job and organizational strategy, including understanding how important the job is to the firm's success, is the most important driver of employee engagement. In fact, employees with the highest levels of commitment perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave the organization, which indicates that engagement is linked to organizational performance. In contrast, job satisfaction--a term sometimes used interchangeably with employee engagement--is defined as how an employee feels about his or her job, work environment, pay, benefits, etc.
UK BUSINESS LEADERS: "EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IS CENTRAL TO BUSINESS SUCCESS". Date: March 23, 2010 Publication: States News Service Business leaders today highlighted how an engaged workforce means increased productivity, innovation and competitiveness - as the Government launched new guidance to help bosses engage their employees.
The rules of employee engagement: management needs to take action to improve employee engagement. Employee engagement has been a topic of much conversation and study in the corporate world for the past several years. It's a phrase that has captured the attention of workplace workers, line management, HR managers and the executive suite. The Conference Board defines employee engagement as "a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work." Engaged employees have been shown to willingly contribute their time, talents and abilities to the success of an organization. They not only commit to achieving a company's goals, engaged employees often, at their own volition, extend their discretionary effort to go above and beyond their management's acceptable performance standards. There have been many studies on the benefit of employee engagement. According to a Gallup study, 54% of employees are not engaged, 17% are actively disengaged, and only 29% can be considered as engaging their time and talents.
Manager's Role in Employee Engagement More Important than Ever, says Executive Briefing from Madison Performance Group. Date: August 4, 2010 Publication: Telecommunications Weekly When companies take proactive steps to help managers recognize employees, they are more likely to reap rewards in the form of better employee productivity, improved customer service, revenue growth and return on working capital, according to a new executive briefing released by Madison Performance Group. The paper offers specific strategies companies can use to support a front line manager's role in enterprise wide engagement efforts. "For companies that rely on people as their primary source of competitive advantage, having innovative and customer focused employees is the most crucial factor in winning and keeping business," says Mike Ryan, Senior Vice President of Madison Performance Group, a premier global reward and recognition design and consulting firm. "Many firms overlook the importance of the manager's role in driving employee engagement, but there is a lot of evidence that shows employees perform better when they feel their manager understands their job and encourages and rewards them."
Employees May Have No More to Give as Engagement Makes Modest Gains in the U.S. Workforce. As the U.S. economy continues its slow recovery from recession, Modern Survey's latest study on employee engagement in the U.S. workforce reveals that while engagement on the whole is trending slightly upward, employees' willingness to put forth an extra effort may be reaching its straining point. Modern Survey began tracking the employee engagement levels of the U.S. workforce using nationwide samples of U.S. workers in August 2007. Polling a nationally representative sample of 1,000 working adults that matches census data in terms of age, gender and region, Modern Survey asks five questions that measure the degree to which employees: take pride in their company, believe they have a promising future at their company, recommend their company as a great place to work, go "above and beyond" their normal job duties to help their company succeed, and intend to stay with their company. Based on the rating each respondent gives across these five questions, Modern Survey categorizes respondents into four distinct levels of engagement: fully engaged, moderately engaged, under engaged and disengaged. In August 2008, when the economic crisis was well underway, clear drops in all five components of Modern Survey's Employee Engagement Index were recorded. Employee engagement saw a surprising upswing from August 2008 to August 2009, eclipsing pre-recession levels. A setback ensued, with a definite drop in engagement found in February 2010, but the most recent data has shown some recovery as upward movement can be found yet again for all five components. It should be noted, however, that "willingness to put forth an extra effort" saw far less movement, shifting but a single percentage point. The most dramatic movement was the statistically significant six percentage point increase in those who "intend to stay with the company for a long time."
Engagement Moves Up the Chief Marketing Officer Agenda, According to Recent Study Customer engagement is becoming a critical strategy and metric for brand marketers, but many Chief Marketing Officers are at odds over how to do it correctly and how to measure its impact, according to a new study released by Forbes Insights and George P. Johnson. According to officials, the New Rules of Engagement: CMOs Rethink Their Marketing Mix is based on a survey of 300 marketing executives at businesses with more than $500M in annual revenue. The study reveals that nearly all survey participants (97 percent) view engagement as very (67 percent) or somewhat (30 percent) important, but more than a quarter (27 percent) have no specific strategy toward customer engagement, and more than a third (34 percent) feel their companies do only a fair or poor job engaging their audiences. "Business customers and consumers now habitually discard traditional interruptive marketing, seeking out instead authentic, personalized brand experiences that in turn trigger deep engagement, short-term purchase and long-term brand loyalty," said Robert G. Vallee Jr., Chairman and CEO of GPJ. "This report suggests that engagement is now a key dynamic that should be considered when designing big-idea campaigns; without engagement, the message is quickly lost, its power diminished."
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Our repeat clients who have used our 4Cs Action Planning Workbook average a 7% increase in overall satisfaction on follow-up employee surveys.  Employee surveys are a low cost investment in the success and profitability of your company. Research shows that companies with higher levels of employee satisfaction financially outperform their peers.
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